An introduction
So, as everybody can see, I haven't had a chance to change the look yet but hopefully I'll be able to soon. Hopefully....... So if I might be able to, please allow me to introduce myself. I am the son of Scottius Maximus and Lutheran Lucy. In the past, generally the anonymus person commenting on my parents blogs was me.
Thankfully though, I finally came up with a blog name, and a pretty good one I'd say. Here's what the name means.... "Angus" stands for Angus Young, the guitarist of the famed hard rock Australian group AC/DC. "G" stands for George Harrison, the guitarist from the most famous music group of all time the Beatles. And the "Van Halen" stands for yet another guitarist: Eddie Van Halen.
So now that we've been properly introduced, let me tell you some random things about myself:
I belong to a Lutheran church that is conserative in its teachings and (in the eyes of todays world) backwards and dull
I am a fan of the St. Louis Cardinals, the Chicago Bears, and Chevy drivers in NASCAR
I hate the Cubs, Packers, and most Ford/Dodge drivers in NASCAR
Mike Shannon and Joe Buck are the two best announcers in baseball and Tim McCarver is the worst
I am a big classic rock fan and some of my favorite groups include: The Beatles, AC/DC, Van Halen (GASP! what a shock considering my blog name is based around those three groups), the Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, Guns N Roses, and Queen
Jimi Hendrix is over rated but still a great guitarist
I like American cars best but especially Chevy's
I enjoy giving my mom a hard time and she has on occasion come up with some of the... shall we say, interesting sayings ever uttered on the face of the earth
I seem to be the only person in this city of mine that actually follows the speed limit
I am one of those people who set their alarm clocks ten minutes ahead of the actual time
Rush Limbaugh is the best talk-show host and Bill O'Reilly is over rated
Some consider me quite witty
The keyboard on my computer can do more things than the one that my dad has
I want a lightsaber, the color of green or blue (not sure which one I like better)
I like getting comments
I hate having short hair
I am an Arial person when it comes to fonts
I listen to the radio more than I watch tv
And that I believe is a fairly good description of me. I hope you all enjoy my blog... I will post things about everything but especially sports, music, and funny things. Todays world is far from a bright place and while that's probably a sign of the times I believe in being able to keep ourselves in a lighter mood as well. And hopefully this blog will accomplish this.