My blood pressure is probably off the charts now...
I heard some soundbites on Rush's show today from President Bush discussing oil and such. He made the reporters look absolutely stupid with their questions (why can't Republicans do this more often?). One of them asked of he was going to call for conservation and he said that's for us to decide as we're the ones paying for the gas. Its really refreshing to hear this. I hate hearing about how we need to conserve here, conserve there, blah blah blah. Screw you!! I can figure out on my own whether I need to be more frugal with my driving or whether I'll use the A/C or not (and I haven't yet this summer).
This whole thing with oil really frosts me. I was tired when I started this post but now I'm ticked off. I swear, maybe more people today have had more schooling than people had a few generations ago but most people today have no common sense whatsoever. How else do you explain a caller like at the end of Rush's show today who asked why the oil companies were asking for more land to drill on even though they already had 68 million acres. I cannot understand how people with the educations that they have received in our country can be so utterly... stupid. I don't use profanity but my goodness I'm almost at that point now. Anyway, to get back on the point of oil, the problem we have is all these environmental groups and leftists out there trying to protect the precious environment. The arguments that they make are stupid but the sad part of it is that people BUY IT!! The price of oil went back up over the weekend and today here the price went back over 4 bucks but I found on Drudge an interesting piece about how the price of oil dropped ten bucks after the President's speech. So that shows that part of the price is due to pure speculation but the problem is that it isn't just merely speculation by itself... we have a real oil problem with with India and China. They have growing economies and they're using more oil than ever before. Meanwhile our refineries can only produce so much (and if anything some of them aren't producing as much as they used to) and we're not being allowed to drill for more oil. Check that, we aren't allowed to drill for more oil and we aren't allowed to build more nuclear or coal power plants.
The solutions are so clear and so far McCain has recognized this and jumped on the drill here, drill now bandwagon. Meanwhile, we have Obama who doesn't get it (as usual) and I think recent polls have shown the gap between the two close. I rarely disagree with Rush on political issues and as usual he's been spot on lately saying that this issue is a gold mine for Republicans. If they'd only point out that they'd been blocked by the Democrats every time they or President Bush tried to push for drilling.... unfortunately its just wishful thinking because todays Republicans are (for the most part) wimpy and afraid to be conservative. This is why they lost control of Congress in '06 and why they'll continue to lose more seats this November. And they'll stay in the minority until they stop this kind of thinking.
Back to oil again. So I seem to recall that one Bill Clinton vetoed a certain bill eleven years ago that would've enabled us to drill in ANWR. Can you imagine what we'd be paying now if Clinton hadn't done this? Speaking of ANWR, one of the things heard so often from liberals is that even if we drill there it won't help our problem. Well, let me ask you something.... how in God's green earth would it not help us? Even if it was only a little (and it would be more than a little by the way) wouldn't a little be better than nothing?? You have to start SOMEWHERE. Between ANWR, off-shore drilling, more nuclear power plants, and drilling in the lower 48 it would go a long way towards lowering the price of oil and reducing our own dependence on foreign oil. And yes it will take a little time but there is a phrase I've heard before. It goes something like this...
The Pyramids weren't built in a day
This is rarely reported, but every time I hear we need to develop alternative fuels I get to thinking about something. Developing alternative fuels available to the mass public will take far, far LONGER than putting some holes in the ground and using what comes up. And this is what I'm talking about when I say people don't have common sense anymore. If people would think a little instead of just believing every single thing that they hear, see, or read then all this stuff would be so obvious.
I have one other point to get across here. We are always hearing about how bad the economy is right? Nobody has a job, nobody has any money, can't pay for gas/food/housing, etc etc. Well drilling for oil, building new power plants, and other things like that would help stimulate this economy and create new jobs for everyone. Is this stuff really so hard for people to get? I haven't taken an Economics class and yet I know this.