I seem to have fallen prey to the "post one blog a year and then fall off the face of the earth" game. I've completely forgotten about this blog... again. I wouldn't have even logged on if not for the fact that one of my writing assignments is dealing with blogs so I got on to research some of them. Anyways, the rough draft is due in preciously 9 hours, 49 minutes (at the time of me typing that). Supposedly it is to be roughly at its final length, which = 4-5 pages long. Currently I'm around 2 pages... yay this has all the beginnings of an all nighter. Anyways, I'm tired and thought I'd take a break for a few minutes to post some random thoughts that have been running through my head.
I saw a lot of car commercials during the Super Bowl. I'm starting to really become a big fan of Audi. They make some really nice cars. If I had to get a car that wasn't a Chevy (I finally bought a car by the way. It was a Chevy, of course) and could afford an something like that then I'd get an Audi.
I like the Black Eyed Peas alright, but their halftime show was the pits. At least they didn't lip-sync... but we all found out why they normally do. And Slash... oh Slash, you made it half-relevant with your presence but why would you associate yourself with that?
Hollywood is really on a craze to cash in all the money it can by making movies for seemingly every popular comic book superhero. This most recent set of Batman films restarted it. Then there was Iron Man. Then the Hulk. Now we've got Superman being rebooted, the Green Hornet movie is out, an Avengers film is being made, Captain Marvel is coming out, what's next?
Congrats to all my Packers friends. I honestly didn't care who won. The Steelers are my favorite AFC team and the Packers I will root for if they aren't competing with the Bears. So I came out pretty indifferent.
I'm sick of snow. If its not those freaking bugs plastered on the front of my car during the summer then its stupid snow sticking to the wheel wells during the winter. I have covered parking at my apartment, and even so the snow blew in and covered my car (which I had finally cleaned up because it had been had been long enough since the last snow that most of it was off the streets). I'm still cursing about that and that happened five days ago.
I got Gran Turismo 5 for Christmas. I got the 2nd game 11 years ago and I loved it despite the glitches it had. So when they finally got around to releasing the 5th edition this fall (which took about three years for that to happen... video games' version of Chinese Democracy) I asked for it for Christmas and got it. It is a pretty cool game in lots of aspects. But for the amount of time that it took to be released, it is so not worth it in anything I've found yet. But what do I know, I spend most of my time buying Corvette's and Camaro's... not really the concept of the game.
I feel old.
Having used a BlackBerry in the past and since I use an iPhone now, I can safely say what kind of phone I want next. An iBerry. Take what I like best from both phones and put them together, because both of them do/don't do things that I want them to. Either that, or the Motorola Droid becomes available for AT&T like the iPhone has for Verizon.
And now we come to my most lengthy thought. Or rather rant.
I hate college. College is, for the most part, an overrated experience (for me anyway). I could live with going through with it before I got a job. But my whole view of it has changed dramatically since then. I think we look too highly at degrees these days. Sure, that Bachelor's or Master's Degree looks nice hanging on the wall, but does it really make you more qualified than a person who never went to college? In some areas yes, it does matter. But in others, it doesn't. I see a lot of people who are fantastically book smart but couldn't be more dumb and unqualified for a job than somebody who has common sense. The sad part is that generally the person who has the degree gets chosen over the one who doesn't. Having worked in a restaurant for the better part of the last two years, I see it all the time. I've had really good managers who work tirelessly for the good of the restaurant get passed up by more unqualified people for promotions simply because they don't hold a Bachelor's Degree. It's not really a fair way of doing it, but that's just how it is.
Which brings this rant back to me. I earned my Associates Degree last spring. If A) I knew what I wanted to do in my life and B) I thought I could make the type of living that I want without a Bachelor's Degree, there is no way in hell I would have continued my education. I am so sick of school. Granted, in ten years I will probably miss it but for now I would love to be out of it. But I couldn't convince myself that I'd be fine without holding a Bachelor's Degree. I like working in a restaurant. If you pay attention you'll learn a lot about business and especially people. But I don't want to be serving people all my life. I see too many people making it their livelihood, and you know that's fine with me they can lead their own life how they please. But that's not me. I don't want my life to depend on how graciously or crappily people want to tip me every week. The only way I would willingly stay in the restaurant business is if I could climb the promotion ladder, which to the level I would want to go almost always requires a Bachelor's Degree (at least).
So, I'm stuck in the cycle of school for one (God willing) more year. If it lasts much longer than that I may shoot myself. And don't get me wrong, I like my life for the most part and I have nothing to really complain I like being at a big university with a proud tradition. I like having to walk through thousands of people during passing period every day. I think its pretty neat. And for the most part its nice living on my own, although there are downsides to it (I hate cleaning... I also hate cooking. Well not hate, but my own shortcomings at it and my general pickiness with food leads to lots of meals consisting of lunch meat, pasta, canned ravioli, Mac & Cheese, and ramon noodles. And that's if I don't get something out instead [or just not eat altogether]. Little Caesar's has good pizza and for only $5. I can make that last two or three meals, which brings the cost down further). But I'd gladly give it all up if I didn't have to go to school anymore.
Anyways, I'd like to close by saying I'll post more often but knowing what will probably happen I'll just say cya next year!
I thought "Slush" did pretty good! It was the only thing worth watching.
And bring home some Little Caesar's!
I don't need to; last I heard there was a Little Caesar's in town!
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