Commentary on politics, sports, music, and anything (and everything) in between
Thursday, October 16, 2008
The best commercials ever
I have the proper thing to watch when I need a lot of laughs. I turn back the clock to anywhere from 1997-1999 when the greatest commercials in TV history were airing. Yes folks, I'm talking about the old Budweiser commercials with the frogs, the lizards, and the ferret. These were the funniest commercials of all time bar none. They should've kept these commercials because even as a little kid I liked them even though I didn't necessarily understand what they were talking about. Louie rocked!!!
this video is missing a couple videos here and there, but overall it has the best clips I think.
and on one of my favorite sites (a huge Star Wars forum) I saw a thread on the "any subject other than Star Wars" forum about an Obama channel. I laughed as I thought the people were referring to ABC, CBS, NBC, and CNN. I unfortunately discovered this afternoon that there is indeed an Obama channel. Well, ain't that just dandy. A channel featuring nothing but Obama's empty words. I was able to stand about fifteen seconds of it before going berserk and flipping it over to an episode Frasier that was airing.
I'll be the first one to tell you that I didn't watch any of the Presidential debates or the Vice President debate. I held no interest in hearing minor barbs being traded for a short time and then the two meet and act like old friends... and this holds especially true for the Presidential debates. I actually held some interest in the Palin/Biden debate but I didn't get to watch it. I think the "polls" have said McCain won each one (I know definitely the latter two)... but he could've blown Obama out of the water if he had really pulled off the gloves. I'd like to think of myself as a half of optimism and half of pessimism most of the time, and its no different here. Half of me is thinking there is no chance that Obama will win and the other half thinks he will. McCain needs to really go through the last couple weeks leading up to the election with a fire and poise with a willingness to attack Obama and other liberal Democrats in Congress. He did fire some bullets at them last week at a rally when one of his supporters showed his anger at this situation that many people feel... but this isn't enough!! He's got to keep this up. He definitely will not win the election if he doesn't do this.
One of the things McCain needs to be rebuking Obama for until he is blue in the face is for Obama's comments to a plumber the other day. I'm going to embed this video because people need to watch this. So remember that. Obama wants us to be successful but only to a point... you know, to keep it fair for everyone else. This reminds me of that story about the kid a couple months who was so good for his age at pitching that they got him banned because "it wasn't fair" to the other kids. Jeez.....
At this point, I think we all could use some humor. Well, when you think about it, while it may be humorous it is sure sad. For this, we need to turn to Joe Biden. He's had many gaffes over the last couple months and here are two of them.
And if that wasn't sad/funny enough, get a load of what he said about the Great Depression.
I don't have anymore I can say at this moment about these last three videos.