So I'm at school on one of the library computers and I'm inbetween classes. I could do my math homework which I haven't done since I didn't get my activity back until today but instead I'm here writing about the RNC. I haven't been watching it much but I did watch McCain and his VP choice Sarah Palin speak. And since I haven't blogged in awhile, let's do some updating.
A few months ago I said I couldn't vote for McCain. Well, that was a few months ago. A few months ago I didn't realize just how stupid Obama was. We cannot afford to have this guy in the White House for four years with a Democrat controlled Congress. It spells for a disaster that our country might never recover from. McCain has also shown that he is willing to be conservative by keeping the taxes low, drilling for more oil, building new nuclear power plants, and fighting terrorists overseas. He also shored up getting my vote by nominating the governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin. This was a BRILLIANT move on his part. He chose a woman, but this is not just a woman. This is a woman that believes in values that conservaties do.
I thought Palin's speak Wednesday night was superb. Her speech had the right mix of everything in it. What's even better is that the teleprompter she was reading off of was screwed up. The guy running it forgot to stop it when the crowd applauded (something they did a lot). So by about halfway through her speech, it was way ahead of her. So she did the rest by memory (the same thing happened to Rudy earlier as well). Contrast Obama, who stumbled his way through his speech was lots of "uh's" and "um's" until they fixed his teleprompter.
McCain's speech was a little bit of a downer for me; but it was going to be hard to follow Palin's speech from the night before. The thing that I hated about the speech was at the beginning (and Rush said he really hoped that McCain wouldn't do this yesterday) where he was talking about respecting Senator Obama, etc. I really could have done without that. That's not what I want to hear for your acceptance speech. Say that after the election if you want. Just not then and there. Thankfully, he didn't stay on that long and began to show the differences between the two. His rhythm seemed a little messed up at times because of the crowd's applause but overall I think it was pretty good. The one thing I am concerned about however, is that Palin will do a better job of conveying the conservative message than McCain will. I hope that will not happen, but regardless of this election's outcome, Palin quite possibly has a future in Washington and I don't mean as a VP or in Congress...