from the Lord Messiah's crowning in Washington D.C. No, he will not simply be inaugurated President, he will be crowned as
Emperor. Now, before you start to lecture me about how the United States is a democracy and on top of that not an empire (though some people argue that we are), let me explain. The term Emperor is a tongue in cheek reference to Obama's and the Democrat's ideas during the next few years. According to, Emperor means "the male sovereign or supreme ruler of an empire." These two forces, combined together, are going to lead this nation into a deeper mess than its in now. For starters, Obama is going to start TRILLION dollar deficits next year. We're probably going to be getting national healthcare, higher taxes for another two examples. Add on the fact that we're going to bailout everything from car companies to the porn industry and its whoa... whatever happened to JFK's idea of "its not what the country can do for you, its what you can do for the country"??
Lets take the car companies as an example. Ever since the government started regulating cars the American companies have continually lost to the foreign market, particularly Japan. I have to hand it to them, they know how to make good cars that meet the stupid environmental standards in place. But if you take all the crappy regulations out of the way, who do you think wins there? I don't have the link at the moment, but there is proof that American cars outsell the Japanese cars in unregulated places (China is surprisingly one place). Another problem with the American companies is something called a labor union. Now don't get me wrong, labor unions have allowed the worker to not be cheated by the company. But you see, there is the problem. Because nobody is perfect and everyone is greedy, both sides can't get what they want. Hence you create the situation where either the company is able to make more money but the worker isn't necessarily being compensated for his work...
or where the labor union has gotten too much power over the company, leading to the company not being able to make money. This is preciously why the American car companies (GM in particular) are going bankrupt... the UWA has wayy too much power. GM is currently paying far more people for simple retirement/healthcare than they are for people who are working (and this number is growing because these people are retiring in their 50's and often living twenty-thirty years this way). If you add in the fact that they also are paying over $10 more an hour for their workers than Toyota and it doesn't matter how many cars they sell, they'll never make a profit. I'm sorry to say this because I am a GM fan and I love Chevy to death but in order to fix this they A) need to go belly up or B) allow someone OTHER THAN THE GOVERNMENT to take control of them. Government intervention into the private sector is a failure every time.
Speaking of labor unions, why do you think all our jobs are being outsourced to other countries? Because the companies can get people to work for them cheaper than they can here because of the absence of a labor union or one that doesn't have much power. Labor unions in this country have too much power. One of FDR's attempts to get us out of the Great Depression was to give the labor unions more power. Nothing like telling a struggling company "here you have to pay each worker more now because we passed a law allowing labor unions to gain the upper hand over you." I'm
sure that really helped create new jobs for everyone. And not to get on a rant, but FDR is given way too much credit for getting us out of the Great Depression. He threw almost everything but the kitchen sink at it, but we never really got out of it until we got involved in WWII. FDR is really one of the luckiest Presidents to have been President of our country... his Presidency had been pretty much a failure until WWII. But rather everybody remembers him as this great figure in history that saved us in our darkest hour (and don't get me wrong, he was a good wartime President and he did lead us through
that dark tunnel... but not the Great Depression). Lets examine a few things about his Presidency. He introduced deficit spending, introduced us to socialism, gave us the idea that government will provide for you rather than yourself...
Hmm... does any of that sound familiar? This is exactly what Obama and company is going to do. Its amazing how much history repeats itself. Its one of the fascinating things about humans... even if we remember our past mistakes, we still make them over and over again (doesn't quite fit the old adage that we've all learned... that if we don't remember history then we're doomed to repeat it). There is almost nothing standing in the way of Obama and friends from doing whatever they want other than themselves bickering about it (which will happen at some point... they are sorta already doing it). But you're probably thinking that the Republicans can filibuster since the Democrats didn't get 60 seats right? Wrong. It won't happen and I'll tell you why. One, the Republicans are too wimpy to do something like a filibuster. Two, the Democrats don't need 60 seats to get the legislature they want passed... there are a lot of Republican moderates (
paging John McCain, paging Lindsey Graham, you're wanted at the White House) that will vote with the Democratic policies. Stupid fools.
And so I return to my original point of the Messiah being crowned Emperor. All of this is why the Lord Barack will be for all intensive purposes an Emperor if all this happens. All the freedoms that we hopefully still hold near and dear to our heart are in danger. If he succeeds, then say goodnight to the US you once knew. The only thing conservatives like me can hope and pray for is that either he gets hit in the head tomorrow and forgets that he's a liberal (not likely) or that his Presidency is a complete failure. Which very well could happen. You wouldn't hear about it in the mainstream press because he has them in his back pocket, but it would still be there. The problem will be whether enough people see it themselves.