Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Random musings

This year's Presidential race is getting more and more ridiculous with every passing day. I do not want Obama in the White House. Hillary is bad enough but Obama is just....... creepy. He is really starting to show (thank God) his true-blue liberal agenda and thoughts. His wife is out there proclaiming government healthcare, his pastor (who is NOT really a true pastor) absolutely hates America and according to recent reports is a former Muslim, and Obama himself has totally thrown his grandmother under the bus with his comments about her.... ouch.

A few weeks ago, Obama all but appeared to have the nomination for the Democrats. Enter Rush Limbaugh, who is the 2nd greatest conservative political figure in the last thirty years (Ronald Reagan is 1st). Rush started "Operation Chaos", which was where he called on his listeners to vote for Hillary instead of Obama. Many people, as a result, did this and switched parties in order to vote on the Democratic ticket. This has led in the race between Clinton and Obama to tighten up considerably, while also succeeding in the two spending vast sums of money fighting each other instead of McCain. This has also led in the liberal media reporting in this huge increase in voters for the Democratic party. This is one of the most ingenious ideas I've heard of in recent memory and as a bonus is making Obama and Hillary, little by little, show their true socialist and liberal agendas.

I can't watch the Weather Channel anymore. I just can't. It makes me too mad. You can't watch it for five minutes without hearing something about Global Warming or "going green" (this is also another reason I don't watch the major news networks anymore). I'll be honest, I could care less with what the environment is like. It's so much cleaner than it was 35-40 years ago and we're still making strides on it without it being blown in our face every day. So I don't care. Global Warming is the biggest joke and lie we've had in our lifetime. There is not enough proof behind it to make it logical. I'll tell you what it's really about. It's about the government under the guise of "helping the Earth" taking YOURS and MY freedoms away. Nothing more. They want more control of our lives and this is a way for them to accomplish this. And even if the temperatures had risen well above normal, could somebody please tell me why this is bad? If the Ice Caps are melting then they are melting. They weren't always there you know. Greenland didn't get its name because of the snow/ice. It was once green. There's evidence of civilizations having lived there a thousand years ago or so when the Vikings were out and about. So you know what that means right? It means it was once far, far warmer on the earth than it is now.

This topic reminds me of what I want to mention next... gas prices. Getting really high aren't they? I have bad news for you... they're going to get higher. They're not going down. The demand is getting higher and higher with India and China gobbling up more and more oil every year. Like it or not, there is no denying the fact that we will have to drill for more oil someday. There is no way that we're getting off oil..... it would require us to go back to the horse and buggy. Ethanol is a dead-end that hasn't been realized yet. It's ruining the economic growth we were experiencing... it's making all the food prices go up and milk was already really high. It's sad too because for the most part all these farmers in the Midwest and people at the Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) Company all believe in Ethanol. It's really sickening that people are so easily fooled by this.

Today is Tax Day... so in honor of that day, I will close this post with a couple great guitar songs for everyone to enjoy about taxes and about money.


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