Jimmy Page and Led Zeppelin

In view of my recent post about Van Halen, I decided to give tribute to the guitarist who gave Eddie the idea of "tapping." That guitarist, is of course, Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin. Reportedly Van Halen said that he got the idea of tapping from the song 'Heartbreaker', off Led Zeppelin II. I have found what seems to be a somewhat rare video of Led Zeppelin performing it live a year before their break-up. Until now I had never seen a video of Led Zeppelin performing 'Heartbreaker' but there does exist a video of Page and frontman Robert Plant performing it a few years back. Unfortunately I cannot find it on youtube at this time.
I've found some notable similarities between Led Zeppelin and Van Halen. Here are a few of them:
This one's a no brainer but Jimmy Page and Eddie Van Halen are two of the best guitarists ever
John Bonham and Alex Van Halen are (in my opinion) two of the best drummers in rock history
Robert Plant and Sammy Hagar could hit upper range notes with incredible ease and shared somewhat similar hair-styles (I'm serious... look for yourself)
Both Page and Van Halen were experimental (Jimmy more than Eddie though) and were also excellent songwriters

Led Zeppelin is one of my favorite bands and Jimmy Page is one of the best guitarists ever. I must give credit to my dad who got me started on them (he has everything Led Zeppelin released on vinyl and basically everything on CD). My favorite song is 'Stairway to Heaven' (and no I don't believe any of the crap that some say they hear when they play it backwards) and some other favorites that I have include: the rare 'Hey Hey What Can I Do', the "Cadillac song" 'Rock & Roll', the Lord of the Rings inspired 'The Battle of Evermore', possibly also the LOTR inspired 'Over the Hills and Far Away', yet another LOTR inspired 'Ramble On', and the song about the Vikings: 'Immigrant Song.'
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